Our Mission

Did you know that in a recent survey conducted by ALM and Law.com, it was found that 49% of legal professionals described mental health problems and substance abuse at a “Crisis” level?


At Running for the Law, our mission is to foster a culture of mental health awareness and support within the legal field and law enforcement communities. We recognize the unique challenges faced by professionals in these sectors, including high-stress environments, long hours, and frequent exposure to traumatic situations. Our goal is to promote understanding, provide resources, and advocate for mental health as a priority in these critical fields.


We envision a future where legal and law enforcement professionals are empowered to prioritize their mental well-being without stigma or barriers. In this future, mental health resources are readily accessible, and conversations around mental health are normalized within these professions. We strive to create an environment where individuals can seek help without fear of judgment or professional repercussions.

Proceeds and donations will help advance mental health awareness in the legal field and law enforcement.